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Welcome to Norris Training
You are about to embark on a brand new adventure in the exciting and profitable field of insurance. The first leg of the journey is to successfully secure your insurance license so you can begin your career and we at Norris are here to help! Like thousands before you, Norris commits to helping you pass your exam the FIRST time through our training courses! We offer online and in-person classes for property and casualty, life and health, farm, and crop. Once licensed, our students also take advantage of our continuing education courses to help them meet their license requirements.
What Do I Need to Do?
To prepare for the licensing exam, you should take an insurance course. Insurance pre-licensing courses are offered by Norris in multiple formats: classroom, online courses, or self-study. All courses are cross-referenced with the exam content outline.
Licensing exams are provided by Pearson VUE. An exam fee must be paid at the time of reservation. You can make an exam reservation via phone (888-204-6255) or going to their website www.pearsonvue.com
Apply for your insurance on the Kansas Insurance Department website. This can be done before or after taking the licensing exam. Along with applying, you will have to submit fingerprints for state and national criminal history background checks (we recommend going to your local police department).